Nova OS FAQ: What is NovaOS?

1. So, what exactly is NovaOS?

NovaOS is a web application that functions mostly like a regular operating system, by that, we mean, NovaOS does not have a direct interface that it could directly control the hardware, like a regular operating system. But why the terming? well because NovaOS can do a lot of stuff that a regular operating system does, like memory management on a unique filesystem, desktop / home GUI, window management and windowed applications etc.

2. But can't you just use a regular OS if its better?

NovaOS is a GUI that is created to look and work the same across multiple devices or platforms. It is a web GUI for any system that supports the web. The apps in NovaOS are written in HTML, which the web runs on. Also, all nova apps are client side, making it able to work without a server connection, which means its safer to use the apps inside it. 

NovaOS makes way for PWA's that can be fully client side, editable by the user and truly safer. It gives the recognition that was forbidden for powerful web apps that would change how we all work. It also gives the ability for full PWAs to work offline with local files and directories. 

But even though, NovaOS is still an accomplishment of human creativity, making it a piece of art that expresses meaning and varied ideas.

3. Why haven't you considered creating a Linux-based OS?

being a web-based OS is the most important aspects of NovaOS. If it was a Linux based one, it would just be so dependent on other stuff and nova requires 'no boot' or hard security and other considerations which will reduce the amount effort put on general stuff that a user wants to do in an OS.

4. How does NovaOS make profit?

It doesn't. At least, not directly for running NovaOS. 
Adthoughtsglobal relies on its memberships on its Patreon memberships which allow discord server perks like special roles and access to experimental apps.

Basic Questions

Where is that?

NovaOS is available for public at See a full list of methods to access it, here.

Is NovaOS using Linux for your kernel?

No! this is not a Linux based OS nor a regular operating system, this is a Web OS which is made with pure HTML, JS and CSS.

How to install it?

we just open on a web browser! that easy.

But if you want to consider installing it as a PWA, 
Make the change.

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